Home Cats Cat Health Vet Product

Feliway Diffuser Refill 48ml

NZ $67.18 incl GST

Feliway Diffuser Refill 48ml

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Stress Care, Vet Product


  • The diffuser helps you nurture your relationship with your cats, by creating a loving environment for them.
  • Scientific studies have shown that by using Feliway your cat will spend more time in the home.
  • Just screw the vial onto the diffuser unit and plug it into an electric socket.
  • Then leave the diffuser switched on continuously to keep your cat relaxed and friendly.
  • Each diffuser refill lasts about 4 weeks. It covers an area of 50-70m2
  • You can replace the vials every 4 weeks by buying a Feliway Refill.


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