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What to feed your dog

March 8th, 2019 |      0 comments

Dog food

Let’s face it: all dogs are basically stomachs on legs. What’s the fastest way to get your dog to come to you? Drop a crumb on the floor and within seconds your pet dog will be there to suck it up. You won’t even have to call its name for it to appear like magic.

And who can resist those eyes when they silently beg you for a treat?

They won’t even choose, if it comes from your hands, it’s good food. Burgers, that pork chop, a piece of chicken wings, fish and sometimes even a piece of fruit, especially the crunchy kind. Dogs, after all, have adapted well to become omnivores.

So what should you feed your dog to ensure they live a long healthy life? 

Before we go any further, dogs are mainly carnivorous but have adapted well to becoming omnivorous from living in close proximity with human beings. Because of this, breeders, owners, researchers and the casual person who likes going up to dogs and petting or feeding them morsels have different views about what to feed and what not to feed dogs.

There’s also the ongoing debate about raw feeding, preparing their meals on a daily basis and feeding them food coming from a bag or a can. Does it matter?

Well, it does. But only when it comes to the nutritional value of what your dog is getting from any of the types of meals available.

Feeding them raw food is the closest to what their ancestors were used to eating but millennia have passed since dogs became domesticated and they may still carry the genes of their ancestors but we’ve altered their DNA so much that they’re now able to take other types of food as well. In fact, some prefer food that’s cooked or at least prepared well.

Which brings us to the second type of dog food which is the one prepared specifically on the day and fed within minutes after completion. This was widely popularised by the Dog Whisperer and it is a good way to feed your dog as you’ll definitely know all the components of what goes into their meal with an added benefit of having the ability to increase or decrease the vitamins and minerals within the prepared meal. The real question is, do you have enough time every day to go through the process of preparing your dog’s meals?

Lastly, we have commercially available dog food. Should you, or shouldn’t you buy a bag or a can? In the interest of saving time and money and at the same time keeping your dog fed, you should. But not all dog food is created equal. The range of products offered out there varies in quality from dismal to excellent with appropriate prices attached. But the best ones don’t necessarily have to be that expensive. 

Dog food and treats The responsible dog owner makes sure to check the ingredients listed at the back to make sure their pooch gets the necessary vitamins and minerals per serving. A good example is the Nutro Wholesome Essential Puppy - Lamb & Brown Rice Recipe which basically has everything you need to ensure your puppy grows up to be a strong and healthy dog. Adult variants are also available.

Another thing that most vets complain about is the number of obese dogs coming into clinics with health issues ranging from joint pain to difficulty in breathing. This is brought by the excess weight on a body that’s not designed to carry such a heavy load. Sure, fat dogs are cute. A little bit too plump can still be considered adorable. But obese dogs? Get them on a treadmill, or take them out for a walk. Or better yet, feed them high-quality food and eliminate the junk food to bring them back to an acceptable weight. Try Hill’s Prescription Diet Canine Metabolic for Dogs which should help you manage your dog’s weight until they’re down to within acceptable limits.

We have a wide selection of food for dogs, dried, wet, air baked, maintenance, puppy and adult available in our Dog Food & Treats Section. Have a look and get the one you need for your fur baby today.


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