
About us

About Us

Integrity Animal Care is your one-stop-shop for pet supplies and veterinary services

Cost-effective, high-quality treatment to pets across the greater Auckland region

About Us

Integrity Animal Care Ltd is your one-stop-shop for pet supplies and veterinary services, providing cost-effective, high-quality treatment to pets from across the Greater Auckland region. We operate two veterinary practices in Auckland; Mangere Veterinary Clinic and Onehunga Vet and Pet Supplies and supply a wide range of pet care products via our clinics and through the convenience of our online store.

vet and rabbit
Our Story

Serving generations of customers and their owners, we opened our first vet practice in Mangere over 20 years ago. After twelve years, we then opened a practice in Onehunga in response to demand, and alleviating the need to cross the bridge in rush hour traffic!

The two clinics enable Integrity Animal Care to make vet services more accessible to pet patients who visit from all parts of Auckland.  Over the years our scope of delivery has also expanded to include a cattery and grooming services, provided by a dedicated expert. 

cat staring
Online Store

The most recent addition of online product sales via our company website, is just another way we provide greater convenience to our customers.

At the click of a button, pet lovers can now purchase a wide variety of high quality, animal products and treatments, which are then couriered to your front door by CourierPost.

Our clients can also message through this website when repeat prescriptions are needed.

laying on couch with dog
Free Online Vet Consultation Service

What’s more, because providing the right information is at the heart of our service, Integrity Animal Care also offers a Free Online Vet Consultation service, via our website, for those customers who can’t make it to one of clinics.

Alternatively, our fans and friends can also stay in touch via our Facebook page, with the option to message or post their more general pet queries for our vets or vet nurses to answer.

Integrity Animal Care offers cost-effective, high quality services, provided by expert staff who care. We are passionate about the health and wellbeing of our animals and their families. Our team comprises of highly skilled veterinary professionals and support staff, including a dedicated groomer and a few, pretty amazing receptionists. We have a manager you can talk to at any time for any problem or concern. Uncommon in veterinary practices, we also have a team member who stays on site at the hospital, so we’re on-hand to attend to animals in our care, day and night.

Our loyal and growing customer base has been established by a commitment to openly communicating and collaborating with our customers to provide a solution that works for their needs, and their budget. Demonstrating genuine care for the wellbeing of our patients and their owners, means we stay flexible to the individual needs and priorities of each case.

In addition to our clinic patients, we also do a great deal of rescue work with a number of animal charities, providing pet rescue and treatment services. Getting behind charities such as the SPCA, South Auckland Animal Rescue, Hope Rescue, Cat Coalition, TXT to Desex Registered Menacing Dogs, and others, is one of the ways like to make a difference for animals in greater Auckland.

  • spca
  • sth ak
  • hope rescue south auckland logo
  • cat coalition
  • desex dog
domestic long-haired cat

We’re here to talk, so if you’d like to book an appointment at one of our clinics, enquire about a pet product, or just chat about the right solution for your pet with a free online vet consultation, we’re happy to hear from you. Visit the Contact Us page for more info on how you can get in touch!